This little classic goes beyond positive thinking and affirmations and provides us with practical insights for successful living. According to the author, life is not a battle but a game, and if we play according to it’s principles, using our thoughts, words and imaginations correctly, the results we will receive will prove without a doubt, the validity of all ancient spiritual and metaphysical laws that have been handed down for generations for a fulfilling life.
Product Details
Product Type: Digital Download.
Publisher: Pereira Classics.
Author: Florence Scovel Shinn.
Category: Spiritual Science
Format: PDF
Pages: 51
File Type: Digital Download
The Game of Life
How to Play It
Florence Scovel Shinn
This little classic goes beyond positive thinking and affirmations and provides us with practical insights for successful living. According to the author, life is not a battle but a game, and if we play according to it’s principles, using our thoughts, words and imaginations correctly, the results we will receive will prove without a doubt, the validity of all ancient spiritual and metaphysical laws that have been handed down for generations for a fulfilling life.
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