Cates emerged from the elevator at the ground floor and went into the street, moving with the brisk step that characterized him. At once, a nattily dressed young man detached himself from the passing throng and stepped up to Cates. The young man’s right hand was casually thrust into his topcoat pocket.
“Don’t make any funny moves or you’ll get drilled,” he cautioned.
The little announcer stiffened with the chill that went over him. Cates knew it would do no good to make a break, for the young man would shoot instantly…

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Cates emerged from the elevator at the ground floor and went into the street, moving with the brisk step that characterized him. At once, a nattily dressed young man detached himself from the passing throng and stepped up to Cates. The young man’s right hand was casually thrust into his topcoat pocket.
“Don’t make any funny moves or you’ll get drilled,” he cautioned.
The little announcer stiffened with the chill that went over him. Cates knew it would do no good to make a break, for the young man would shoot instantly…


Vic Whitman


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